Michele Merrell

Michele Merrell


Dear Broward Republican Voters,

The 2024 election will be the most critical of our lifetime – we always say this, but this time it is true, and we know it. We cannot allow the Left to win the public relations battle, to denounce our beliefs and our way of life, or to further overtake our country with their socialist agenda and woke ideologies, which are destroying our country.
We must elect people to office that are experienced and who still have the fight in them to reverse the downward course our country is currently taking.

This year, we must run the toughest and most effective ground game we have ever run to help our candidates win in 2024. We must win back the White House, the Senate, and all of our local and state races.

Therefore, I am running again. I have announced my candidacy for Broward State Committeewoman. This election will take place on August 20, 2024. We need experienced representation for this role reflecting Broward’s grassroots voice to the Republican Party of Florida.

More than ever, it is important now to put a strong and effective conservative leader into this critical position that represents our entire county to the Republican Party of Florida. I am asking for your vote on August 20, 2024, to elect me again as your Broward State Committeewoman.

I will continue to fight hard for values that are RIGHT for my country and right for the State of Florida, and RIGHT for Broward. I hope I can count on your support. Thank you.

Michele Merrell
Broward State Committeewoman

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