November 6, 2020

Broward GOP State Committeewoman Condemns Fraudulent Electioneering

FORT LAUDERDALE, FL —  As President Donald J. Trump and the Republican National Committee fight for a fair election, Broward Republican State Committeewoman Michele Merrell condemns the rampant voter fraud taking place in battleground states across the country and calls on the free press to accurately report what is taking place.

“The presidency of the United States is being stolen and I am appalled and disgusted by the Democrats blatant attempts to fraud and cheat their way to victory,” stated Michele Merrell, Republican State Committeewoman of Broward County. “Republicans must mobilize in battleground states immediately to ensure that all fraud and corruption is exposed.”

Broward Republicans have a long history of successfully fighting fraudulent behavior from the Broward Supervisor of Elections office, which was formerly under the direction of Brenda Snipes. Just 2 years ago, during the midterms of 2018, Republicans shed light on a litany of fraudulent and incompentent actions which ultimately resulted in Snipes being removed and resigning from office. State Committeewoman Michele Merrell was on the ground in 2018 and continues to work to highlight and rectify voter fraud across the country.

“We must stand firmly against the ballot counting irregularities and fraud taking place or our country becomes a banana republic,” stated Merrell. “In 2018, Broward County was the epicenter of ballot fraud and ballot counting irregularity. If any county should take a stand with the President on this issue, it should be Broward County. What I am seeing nationally is a carbon copy of what has happened here in the past, but on steroids.”

Report all election fraud or ballot irregularities to (888)630-1776.  The Trump campaign is gathering evidence in various states. If you have experienced an issue, please don’t delay. Patriots can also support the President’s efforts at

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